Terms & Conditions
Website Use
This website is owned and operated by Choice Support Care Ltd.
Choice Support Care Ltd, 84 Kinsey Road, Warley, Birmingham, B66 4SL. Choice Support Care Ltd is a company limited by shares in England and Wales under company number 12885544.
The materials contained on this site are either the copyright of individual contributors or of Choice Support Care Ltd, and may be subject to other intellectual property rights. You may use this website freely for:
- your own personal and non-commercial use;
- professional non-commercial use by you personally or within your healthcare organisation; and
- any non-commercial educational use.
Free non-commercial use might include downloading, reproducing, distributing, displaying and storing Choice Support Care Ltd web pages or content.
The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter devised. However, the following acts are prohibited in respect of this website and any of the content featured on it:
- Public display except as set out above;
- Any rental leasing or lending of any material obtained or derived from the website;
- Reproduction except as set out above, including without limitation the extraction and/or storage in any retrieval system or inclusion in any other computer program or work,without the prior consent of Choice Support Care Ltd. If you wish to reproduce any content commercially, you must contact Choice Support Care Ltd and we may charge a fee. Please contact Choice Support Care Ltd at admin@choicesupportcareltd.co.uk or telephone +44 7477 679467 and we will be able to advise accordingly.
- Altering, transforming or building upon any content contained in this website.
All copyrights and trademark notices, marks, disclaimers and other such elements must be preserved and upheld at all times.
Links to Third Party Sites
This website may contain links to websites operated by third parties. The operation of these websites is outside Choice Support Care Ltd’s control and you proceed at your own risk. Choice Support Care Ltd, does not endorse or sponsor, and is not liable for the products, services or content you access through any linked site.
Data Protection
Choice Support Care Ltd, will collect, use, store and disclose your personal details in accordance with our privacy policy.
If any part of these terms and conditions are not enforceable, this will not affect the enforceability of any other part. These terms and conditions are governed by English Law and all disputes will be submitted to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.Choice